Kind of wish this is how it really worked sometimes!
I guess there's not much to say other than that we attempted another IVF cycle and it "officially" failed today. Technically, we never even made it to the egg retrieval this round and were more-or-less forced to "settle" for an IUI (intrauterine insemination). It was that or nothing... In the was nothing either way.
This cycle was physically and emotionally much harder for me. It started off so nicely, but when it went REALLY went south! The good news is that I have been so upset since October 4 (the day the cycle was cancelled) that the "official" failure today was nothing more than a formality.
If there's anything I learned from this cycle, it's that I CAN handle quite a bit more than I thought I could! I've also learned that we have exhausted the capabilities of our region and IF we are truly serious about having genetic children, then we are going to have to travel (and I'm talking more than to Nashville)! We are looking into two world-famous clinics in the western US and have one phone consultation scheduled for next Friday. If we have a good feeling, we will be travelling sometime likely early next year. If not, we'll look into other options.
We've had lots of support this round from our families and close friends, and for that...I am grateful. I'm not sure what our future holds...but I'm just praying there's a baby in it somewhere. Otherwise, I'll ultimately just have to accept the fact that it's not meant for us and be thrilled to have an amazing husband and loving family to share my life with!

I guess there's not much to say other than that we attempted another IVF cycle and it "officially" failed today. Technically, we never even made it to the egg retrieval this round and were more-or-less forced to "settle" for an IUI (intrauterine insemination). It was that or nothing... In the was nothing either way.
This cycle was physically and emotionally much harder for me. It started off so nicely, but when it went REALLY went south! The good news is that I have been so upset since October 4 (the day the cycle was cancelled) that the "official" failure today was nothing more than a formality.
If there's anything I learned from this cycle, it's that I CAN handle quite a bit more than I thought I could! I've also learned that we have exhausted the capabilities of our region and IF we are truly serious about having genetic children, then we are going to have to travel (and I'm talking more than to Nashville)! We are looking into two world-famous clinics in the western US and have one phone consultation scheduled for next Friday. If we have a good feeling, we will be travelling sometime likely early next year. If not, we'll look into other options.
We've had lots of support this round from our families and close friends, and for that...I am grateful. I'm not sure what our future holds...but I'm just praying there's a baby in it somewhere. Otherwise, I'll ultimately just have to accept the fact that it's not meant for us and be thrilled to have an amazing husband and loving family to share my life with!
My heart breaks for you two, but prayers being said for that child that does come that will without a doubt be spoiled rotten :-)
I'm so sorry. I know exactly how it feels to have an IVF cancelled (converted to IUI)... I basically lost faith since 6 prior IUI's did not work for me.
I think it's a smart plan to seek out a top clinic (I'm in the middle of cycling at one of them now).
So sorry to hear the news. Prayers on the next journey.
Lucy, I wish it were as easy as the picture too! Glad you are not giving up so easily. I went through several rounds of IUI too - only to see a BFN each time (I don't think the Dr I was seeing was aggressive enough with the dose of clomid she prescribed). Each "hurdle jumped" is one step closer!
I was hoping and praying that this round was going to work for you. I am so sorry that it didn't. You are an amazing person, Cinda. Hang in there. I will continue to pray for you and Adam. Love ya!
What happened today?
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