Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
I've been mulling over this post for days now, just trying to decide how I could best communicate my feelings about 2012. As I have done in years past, my Thanksgiving post is a reflection on the year and a moment for me to pause and truly, count my blessings. This year is no exception!
Last year, to be honest, I had a hard time. I actually had to really think about my blessings, as it seemed like the proverbial "everything went wrong kind-of-year." I certainly realized that I WAS blessed and fortunate, it just took some work and perspective to focus on the positive. In the end though, I found lots of positives and included them in my post (which can be found in the November 2011 archives to your right).
This year, so much has changed! 2012 hasn't been a perfect year, but it HAS been full of things and people to be thankful for. Here are the top 7:
1. My faith in God. Somehow, I doubt this will ever not be on the top of my list! This year, however, I feel closer to God that ever before. I know I've prayed more than ever, and believe Adam has as well. While church-going hasn't been a strong point for me, reading has...and I have certainly learned quite a bit about my personal faith by reading some great spiritual literature this year. I've realized just how insignificant some things are, and just how amazing God's gifts can be. For my faith and God, I am very thankful.
2. Adam. I simply couldn't ask for a better husband. In 6 years of marriage, we've weathered many storms together and somehow...still enjoy our lives together as a couple. Adam is so many qualities that I'm not (more cautious, patient, calmer, and always emotionally "composed"), and I truly appreciate these! I've never had to question his love or faithfulness to me, which I realize is a blessing that many women simply don't enjoy. For everything about Adam (other than his morning-grouchiness), I am grateful!
3. My family. This probably won't change either! This has been a heck of a year for the Dampier family. At this time last year, Leslee (my sister) could barely walk or climb steps because of her recurrent scoliosis and failed childhood surgery. After 20 hours in the OR and many weeks/months of hospitalization and therapy, my sister can walk upright and live a MUCH better life! Mom and Dad are blessed with great health and the ability to travel (thanks to a wonderful boss) whenever they desire. And Trey is doing well in his second year of residency. None of us see each other as much as we would like as a whole family, but we definitely love each other and treasure our time when we are all together! I thank God every day for my family and feel super blessed to have parents and siblings who love and care about me and each other so much.
4. Fonzie. At 14.5 years old, this little dog is still my pride and joy! While he's showing his age, he's still full of personality and brings so much joy to Adam and I on a daily basis. He's a great bedrest buddy, loves Adam and I unconditionaly, and is truly our first baby. I'm so very grateful for the years we've had with him!
5. My friends. In many ways, my friends have taken a "back seat" in my life this year. In some ways, I realized that I probably depended on and expected too much of them at times (for support only) in the past and seemed to be constantly disappointed in them. As a result, I learned that friends were just that...friends. I no longer expect anything from my friends and simply try to enjoy the moments I have to talk with them, text, and visit on the few opportunities that we have to be together. I'm also thankful for my FF/DE friends, as your support and friendships have been wonderful these past 2 years. Having friends in "my same shoes" has been a gift that I'll always cherish! I love each and every friend, and for that I am thankful.
6. My career. In December, I'll be closing my office in Shelbyville and moving my practice to Hendersonville, Tennessee. I've been blessed with a decent practice in Shelbyville, but will never achieve my potential in a town this small. Plus, Adam and I will be happier in a larger community! Because of good fiscal management and a good work ethic, I have secured my loan for the new practice and am grateful for the opportunity to live and build a practice in a great community next year!
7. My pregnancy! Last year, I was thankful for my infertility. This year, I'm no less infertile (probably more infertile, actually...if that could possibly exist), but I AM pregnant with twins! Today marks 25.5 weeks into my pregnancy, and I'm super-blessed to be feeling and doing wonderfully. The road has been a long, rocky, torturous path for Adam and I, but thanks to modern medicine and a physician and staff who never gave up on us, we are closer than ever before to bringing home our "Little Sawinskis." We are super thankful for Dr. Vasquez and Anita (our main nurse) for all they have done for us and put up with this past 18 months, and just hope they realize how much joy they bring into the lives of couples like us! For all of the inconviences and worry that my pregnancy has brought us, I am VERY thankful!
There are many other things I am thankful for, but these are the "highlights." I never dreamed I'd be typing a Thanksgiving post while feeling little kicks and jabs across my belly while doing it...I just figured that our attempts to get pregnant were a way to eventually close a chapter in our lives and be able to confidently say, "We tried everything." Truly, we pretty-much did...and by God's grace, it finally worked! I live a challenging life, but a charmed life as well. I have so many things and people I'm grateful for. If you are reading this, you are someone I AM thankful for! God Bless you all and thank you for being blessings in my life!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
24 Weeks 5 Days
For those who have asked over and over again, here is one pregnancy photo! Yes, I am starting to show a bit, though still not exactly "huge." Other than a bad cold this week, I feel really good and am doing well according to our physicians. The babies seems to be growing nicely and appear developmentally perfect at this point. We are in the early stages of beginning to make some baby-related purchases, as I am pretty sure these next 2.5 months are going to fly by!
I'll plan to post my Thanksgiving post later this week, but figured I'd better hurry up and get an update on here before I get 50 more "requests" for pregnancy photos!
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