Friday, April 8, 2011

Apparently starting earlier...

Well, the past few weeks have really been some doozies! After Grandaddy's wreck, hospitalization, and death, I came home mentally wiped out. I quickly got back into my work groove and looked forward to heading to Louisville, KY with some friends to get away during my 1 weekend off in 5. To make a long story short, crap happened and we didn't go. It made for a VERY emotional last 2 weeks as I know that keeping my mouth shut could have prevented lots of drama.

As a result of about 4 weeks of poor sleep (and many nights of none), I am now 8 days late on my cycle. As of this entry (and likely for sure), I am NOT pregnant. I called the office and asked if this presented a problem. I briefly explained that stress/sleep loss may have caused this and didn't know if any "treatment" was needed. If nothing changes before Monday, I'm heading back to Nashville for my first progesterone injection. That will fix the problem just in time for our wonderful... Supposedly, the shots are pretty painful. I knew I'd have to have them at some point, but I kind of hoped to avoid injectables until late May/early June. Guess we'll see what the weekend holds...

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