Wednesday, March 23, 2011

They called...BUT...

Well, my patience is wearing VERY thin now. Despite asking 3 times that I be contacted via my cell phone, the office called my home today and talked to Adam. He has no clue as to what my office schedule or obligations are, so he took the message and told them I would call back.

As you would expect, I called them back and had to leave a voicemail for the IVF nurse and a second voicemail for the scheduler. ( have to talk to both.)

Neither one has bothered to return my call...which is just unacceptable to me! Trust me, we pride ourselves in answering the phone (no voicemail crap during business hours) and we always return calls during the business day.

So....maybe this is telling me something. I know that if we change doctors, most of the tests would be repeated by the new physician. Plus, there are no providers that are in network with Aetna within 100 miles. So, that means we would be looking at paying everything in cash...which we just aren't prepared to do.

Will see what tomorrow holds, but for now I'm seriously wondering if all this is worth going through for a 20% chance of success...Sigh...

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